Marketing Blog

Take a peek into my thoughts as a SaaS & Tech B2B marketer with broad specialties. Sometimes, I talk about my side hustles as a domainer and niche marketer.


First Marketing Hire of a Startup? Where Do You Even Start?

First Marketing Hire of a Startup? Where Do You Even Start? (Hubspot Prompt)

You’re the very first marketing hire at a startup, and are tasked with …

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Yoast SEO Readability (featured)

When Should You Ignore Yoast’s Readability Analysis? – (10 websites that break the “rules”)

Hours pass and you’re still editing your post — desperate to turn every …

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7 reasons why readability will help you rank on Google (backed by SEO data)

7 Reasons Why Readability Will Help You Rank On Google (backed by SEO data)

Ranking your website at the top of Google… Let’s face it… That’s what …

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7 Reasons Why People Refuse to Read Your Blog Content

7 Reasons Why Potential Customers Refuse to Read Your Business Blog (and what to do about it)

Nearly everyone — from search and social media — exits your blog within …

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Here's a Letter from All the Potential Clients You've Lost... Alex Mihai C

Here’s a Letter from All the Potential Clients You’ve Lost…

Most visitors exit your blog in less than 20 seconds. These potential customers …

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Should the Finance Ministry Use Backlash to Strengthen its Influencer Campaign?

Using Bad Publicity to Amplify The MOF’s Influencer Campaign?

For a moment, it seemed the Ministry of Finance (MOF) working with influencers …

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